Dead Space Break-Fast Wiki
Enhanced Pregnant
Enhanced Pregnant

Dark skinned Pregnant with red glowing eyes and a silvery purple tinted head. Has much larger payload than standard Pregnants.

  • Slashes with its large blades
  • Unleashes Swarmers

Enhanced Pregnants are a more powerful version than the Standard Pregnant and are only encountered in Dead Space: Break-Fast (Mobile).


Enhanced Pregnants are similar to the regular Pregnants but are separated by the fact that have much darker skin a different colored sac, which is now a yellow-ish green, similar to the bile seen on the Enhanced Slasher. Their heads appear to be a silvery white/purple color and have glowing red eyes, like that of the Enhanced Exploder. Their bodies are much more veiny and their blades take up a dark gray color. Along with the change in the upper body, their legs are also longer and they appear to have knees. They are capabale of dealing and taking much more damage than normal and thus aren't encountered till later in the game. They are extremely capable of living after having their sac ruptured and rarely die due to this. Their payload of the Swarm is much larger than that of a regular Pregnant.


  • The payload of the Swarm is approximately 2-3 times that of a normal Pregnant.
  • These do not sway side-to-side as much. when walking like that of a normal Pregnant either.

